The elevator opened quietly. Apprehension was waiting patiently within and, as always, only one of us was happy with the reunion. Normally, I would take the stairs, or outright avoid buildings of more than half-a-dozen flights. Today, workmen were fixing the stairwell’s entry – supposedly installing a new security measure.Continue Reading

I just entered the first Flash Fiction Friday competition run by the Australian Society of Authors. The short story can be 250 words at most and must include (any) collective noun for ‘writer’. I went with a ‘prattle’ of writers and you can find a great list here. Entries closeContinue Reading

Another month and another Furious Fiction competition from the Australian Writers’ Centre. I submitted it last night and the winner is announced towards the end of the month. I didn’t have a lot of time for this one but it turned out quite well in the end. I will postContinue Reading

Last week, I completed my contribution to the upcoming anthology Outside In X-Files (title likely to change) to be published by ATB Publishing, in 2020. I wrote my contribution based on Season 2, Episode 4 (Sleepless), where Mulder and a new partner (Alex Krycek) investigate the murders of two doctorsContinue Reading

The inspector watched the last forensic investigator leave and silently saluted their gullibility. No single person should be left alone with a crime scene at such an early stage of an investigation. Still, what is the point of power left unused? Only a few hours ago, the now deathly silentContinue Reading

One of the world’s great challenges is feeding a growing global population. However, at it’s simplest, there is enough food being produced to supply the current population (7.3 billion people at time of writing) and many more, but the issue is distribution of unused or superfluous food. Food waste isContinue Reading

Just submitted my entry for the July Furious Fiction competition, run by the Australian Writers Centre. Will find out how I went towards the end of July. Fingers crossed. I will post it to The Feature Space, if I don’t win. Have a look at my June, May and AprilContinue Reading

Corey Harris, civil engineer and architect, came to the ‘prepper’ perspective in his late-twenties. After years of research, he bought a secluded parcel of land, set deep within the tall eucalypts in the Blue Mountains. It took Corey eight years to build a four-bedroom house, which, to the casual observer,Continue Reading

A Hobson’s choice is one in which only a single realistic option is available and any other options are illusionary or unrealistic. To meet their family’s financial needs, many parents find that there is little choice but for both to be working. Where support from extended family or friends isContinue Reading

Just completed proofreading tasks for the upcoming anthology, Outside In Gains a Soul, which will be published by ATB Publishing later in 2019. You can also follow ATB Publishing on Facebook here. Other than the proofreading, I have also contributed a ‘chapter’ to the new anthology, which I am sureContinue Reading