
Great news! I have just published my first short story on I would love it if you had a read and let me know what you think. The site does require a registration in order to access the short stories, but there is a free option as well asContinue Reading

I haven’t made many announcements regarding the Open Universities degree I have been working through, but now seems like a good time for an update. I have just entered the last two weeks of the degree (which I have been doing part-time over the last, almost, six years). Only aContinue Reading

The first element of writing that I ever had published was my chapter 20 in Airborne. This was part of a promotion run by Borders with James Patterson in 2009. The process to select the 30 writers (one for each chapter), required a response to the following prompt: The skyContinue Reading

I recently received my contributor’s copy of the latest Outside In book: Trusts No One. I am very happy with my contribution; both the essay itself and the proofreading. This is a great series and well-worth a read. Get your pre-order here. Not only is the book itself (and theContinue Reading

I completed my entry for the December 2019 Furious Fiction competition last night, as run by the Australian Writer’s Centre. This one had the following requirements: 500 words Your story must include SOMETHING EITHER BEING SENT OR RECEIVED IN THE MAIL. Your story must include the following words: JINGLE, CLICK,Continue Reading

Just got the results for my entry into the November 2019 Furious Fiction competition, as run by the Australian Writer’s Centre. I didn’t win or get short/long-listed either, unfortunately. Will try again in December. For now, you can read my entry on The Feature Space here.Continue Reading