Dr. James St.Clair pressed a button secreted away inside a pocket of his dinner-suit jacket. It was connected to a slim injector, and then a wrist-attached cannula, which released a customised cocktail of drugs into his bloodstream. There was enough stored in an under-arm pouch for six pre-measured injections —Continue Reading

Objectively, sprinting through a murky forest in the early hours of the morning was dangerous. Stealing trinkets from a local tyrant even more so. Callum glanced behind but failed to discern pursuit through damp fog and hazy moonlight. A tall figure burst out of the mist ahead and crashed intoContinue Reading

Las Vegas is an oasis of dazzling light set within the vast Mojave Desert in the US state of Nevada. Fortunes are won and lost nightly in the seemingly endless casinos that make up the public face of the city. A population boom occurred in 1931 when construction of theContinue Reading

The July 2018 rescue of twelve children and their soccer coach from a flooded Thai cave system, which involved a multinational team of over one thousand rescuers, thrust into global spotlight the extraordinary people and planning required to perform such a feat. The death of Saman Gunan during the sameContinue Reading

Years of ‘fake news’, vested interests, confused public debate and weak government policy has generated a haze of white noise drowning out sensible discussion around how to switch from fossil fuel-based power generation to clean (often renewable) alternatives. Global Agreements The Paris Agreement came into force in November 2016 andContinue Reading

Duncan Shepherd strode into his local Bunnings with a confidence and purpose slapped on like how a water-based filler is applied evenly to an indoor or outdoor area with an easy applicator. In truth, he was suffering from the flu, the real flu and not whatever it is that hisContinue Reading

Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, will enjoy the essays and insights presented in this entry in the Outside In series. I conducted galley proofreading for the work and it was a enjoyable project to be part of. The book is now available for purchase. Here’s the blurb: Celebrating overContinue Reading

Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, will enjoy the essays and insights presented in this entry in the Outside In series. My essay, based on the episode Gingerbread, considered what a welcome letter from Joyce Summers’ organisation, Mother’s Opposed to the Occult (MOO), might look like. The book is nowContinue Reading

This entry in the Outside In series treats fans to a series of essays that twist each episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation on its side. My essay was based on the tenth episode of the third season, The Defector, and considered the events of the episode from aContinue Reading