Great news! I have just published my first short story on I would love it if you had a read and let me know what you think.
The site does require a registration in order to access the short stories, but there is a free option as well as some very reasonable pay options for readers. Should you decide to sign up as a paying reader, then you are doing a great thing for short story writers (like me) and for independent publishing. “is a creative and media publishing platform to network, read, write & earn from short stories”. The site offers the chance for writers to earn income from their short stories and for readers to gain access to a wide range of short stories.
Below are the first couple of paragraphs from my first short story on the site, The Holy Sandwich: An Origin Story. To continue reading, click on the link that follows and signup at
The town of Empared was picturesque, surrounded to the north, east and south by the snow-capped curve of the Arc Mountains. Its western reaches were bordered by the Shining Sea, which stretched beyond the horizon to distant lands. The town was thriving; a bustling and steadily growing municipality that flourished on the back of one primary commodity.
The town maintained a precarious balance between fruitful endeavour and the largest sandwich-based Pyramid scheme known to sentient life. The dominant sandwich industry had been created in the image of the Holy Sandwich, an impossible relic that resided in the Temple of the Holy Sandwich, situated in the center of Empared. No one knows how the temple or the Holy Sandwich came to be, as such knowledge had been lost in the mists of time. However, all know of the four Custodians who watch over it: two during the day and two at night.
…click here to continue reading.
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